For me, Diane is the reality-based character. That is the truth of the situation. Things are so awful in her life, in this rock bottom place, this horrid state of dementia, that she creates Betty as how she would have liked it to have been. Betty was optimistic and hopeful and pretty and peppy and sweet and everyone loves her and she’s in control of Rita. Rita doesn’t know who she is and Betty loves this power and this control she has over Rita. [...] Almost everyone likes to have some kind of power – a kid will dress her doll and give her a name. That's what Betty was in the dream with Rita – she was able to tell Rita who she was and manipulate her in different ways. [...] So that’s the wish, the dream, the fantasy, the projection, whatever you want to call it. It’s the reverse when we’re talking about Diane and Camilla. Playing Betty was the hardest part for me, because she was less naturalistic than Diane. I needed to make her human somehow. When I see her now, I go, "Oh, my God, you're a psycho." But there were places where I tried to show that she had deeper dimensions, for example, when she turns detective. In Diane’s dream, erotic fantasy desperately competes with guilt, fear of discovery, and the reality principle of death itself. The key tools of Diane’s psychological dream defense are familiar ones in the Freudian toolkit: idealization, splitting, condensation. Diane becomes someone else to avoid the guilt of Diane’s murderous deed. She becomes the idealized Betty to preserve her identification with (and jealous longing for) Camilla’s Hollywood success. Betty is the idealized part of Diane that has been spoiled and lost, sacrificed on the altar of Hollywood’s cruel, often destructive reality. The persona of “Betty” preserves the unspoiled Hollywood of the youthful Diane’s naïve dreams and thwarted ambitions. In her fantasy, Diane realizes the talent and success that she never could achieve in real life. - (Richard K. Sherwin) The Failures of the Betty Image - (Alan Shaw) Betty had been brought into the world of Diane's mind because she represented a certain time when Diane felt loved by her aunt, and she embodied a zealous hope for a Hollywood career, and she personified a certain type of innocence. But all three of these rationales for Betty's existence are falling apart.
Michael J. Anderson on Betty Betty, she represents all the
actors in Hollywood that bet literally their whole lives, hoping that they
would have a chance in Trivia: Betty and Bitsie are common nicknames for someone named Elizabeth »name connections