and the Call Girl business
see that the place the Hairy-Armed Man is in is similar to the apartment Adam
rented from Cookie at the Park Hotel, because of its run down state. When Adam
shows up at the Park Hotel, it is difficult to understand why a man of his
prominence would choose such a seedy hotel when he still thought he had access
to all of his money. However, the logic of the dream suggests that this was
where Diane ended up at one point in her life. And when the Hairy-Armed Man
calls Diane, he doesn't use a normal phone number. It seems more like a number
that connects him to an extension within the same building. This is very
telling because we know the Hairy-Armed Man is calling Diane. However, rather
than calling her at her current location at 2590 Sierra Bonita, he seems to be
calling her at a place where she lived at some time in the past, at some place
like the Park Hotel where perhaps she first became involved in the call girl
business. In her dream, we see many elements of her past and her present merge
together and by decoding which is which, we begin to understand her state of
mind better. So the phone chain makes an important connection between where
she was and what she is doing now. - (Alan Shaw)
Related: The Phone
You probably notice that Cookie's Hotel is very dirty. You can't seriously consider Adam taking a room there: he is too rich for that. However, we are in Diane's dream and probably at some moment, she had to live in that hotel because she had not enough money to go somewhere else. It is easy to imagine the scene: Cookie knocking at her door to announce her that her credit card is cancelled and that she has to pay for the room
immediately. It is exactly that kind of humiliation that she is imaging for Adam: it explains the discussion between Adam and Cookie and between Adam and his secretary.
In reality, you can imagine the kind of discussion between Cookie and Diane:
he may have told her that he knew people in the movies or people from the
Mafia controlling that business and that he could help her to find a job...Of
course Diane believed him and this is why you see Adam in good terms with
Cookie. And I suppose that in the chain of phone calls, that hairy arm taking
the phone on the wall is Cookie's arm too. Diane is dreaming that he is
calling her from his hotel to transmit her that the Mafia is looking for an
actress "because the girl is still missing". -
The displacement of
Cookie's hotel into the Club Silencio does indeed seem to agree with the style
of dream interpretation we know as Freudian, or even Jungian. It also perhaps
seems reasonable to think that Diane may have spent time in this dirty hotel,
and that she may have had similar money-related talks with Cookie. The strange
news that men from Adam Kesher's bank have visited, in the night, to comment
upon Kesher's bank balance could be seen as a clumsy dream-attempt by Diane to
put Kesher into an uncomfortable situation, like many of the other scenes he
must undergo. But Cookie is essentially sympathetic; he and Adam seem to know each other
well, and this relationship also indicates that Adam has some level of
street-knowledge. It is very strange, however, that Cookie should essentially
slam the door in Adam's face, at the end of their conversation.
- (Rochas)
red lampshade located at Park Hotel?
#17 Sierra Bonita is originally Camilla’s apartment. It kinda makes some sense. Camilla is living there until she stars in The Sylvia North Story, starts getting herself some money together, and meets Kesher. Now she can afford a better place, or even move in with Kesher… if they’re getting engaged it’s feasible.
Meanwhile, Diane arrived in LA and holed herself up somewhere worse (I don’t think that she’s been in LA that long)… perhaps the Park Hotel. Camilla moves out of #17, but the rent is paid up for a certain amount of time, so Camilla lets her part-time girlfriend Diane (whom she met fairly recently on
TSNS) move in there. Note how sparse Diane’s possessions seem to be: no TV shown etc, the place looks barely lived in recently – indicative of somebody who may have moved in from temporary accommodation such as a hotel.
Could the location of that red lampshade be the Park Hotel, and Diane was returning there regularly? Would it be strange for someone with a relatively longstanding agreement to put an answer machine message in a hotel room (could it even be provided by the hotel room)? And why do I still have my doubts that it is actually
Diane’s voice on that answer machine message, goddammit?
- (blu)
I connect the scenes where Adam is
hiding at Park Hotel with the moment where Diane ran away from home to avoid
the detectives (after Camilla's kidnapping). The make-up shown to disguise
Rita (actually Rita has no make-up on herself) in blonde is an echo of her own
attempts to disguise herself as a brunette prostitute. The Park hotel is
likely to be an hotel for prostitutes. (This could explain why she dreams of
Joe looking for a brunette prostitute. And/or that Camilla was a former
prostitute. Rebekah should be a prostitute too.). After a few weeks Diane is
ejected by Cookie (Diane's coke provider) and with no more money, she decided
to go back home to commit suicide. - (gandalf36)
Adam killed at Park Hotel?
First, we've seen how the hitman
operates. It is hardly a stretch to imagine him taking out Adam in the process
of killing Camilla. In fact, I think it's a bit of a stretch to imagine him
killing ONLY Camilla. This guy murdered a vacuum sweeper for crying out loud.
Check out the scene where Linney James, the casting director, takes Betty to
meet Adam. In this scene Linney tells Betty, "Now we want to take you
across and introduce you to a director who's a head above the rest. He's got a
project you will kill." Notice she omits the word "for". Then
Linney says excitedly, "Knock right out of the park." ...Right out
of the Park Hotel - the hotel where Adam is staying. - (fornus)
Related Theory: The
old couple represent Adam and Camilla
Trivia - Geno Silva (Cookie) in interview
"We go up to rehearse with David, and they show me the original scene. Originally, the scene you saw - the one in the rundown hotel where I come up and tell
Adam Kesher that information - was set in the Beverly Hills Hotel, which is an entire other world. In the scene, he's holing
up at the Beverly Hills Hotel and this rather effete, up-tight concierge is giving him a hard time about his credit cards being maxed out. They say he can't stay there any more, and he was to get out. Can you imagine how many
hundreds of thousands of dollars I saved them not having to shoot at the
Beverly Hills Hotel?
What happened was this. This old Tower Theater has one of these really steep balconies that goes up to the catacombs. Way up there are these old, crumbling offices. I get up there, and David is standing
there with this little pot of gold paint and a brush, and he's painting the number on the door! (Laughter) And he's into this
number thing - it's one-six, because it has to add up to seven. Without stopping he looks over to his left and says,
"Geno! I'm so glad. It's going to be some fun."
I guess he had gone up there and found these old, crumbling offices. They were really in ratty, horrible condition.
The ceilings
were falling in. And he sent some people downtown to buy some electric Virgin Marys and other stuff to trick out the room. he made it look
like a flop house.
He has that kind of creative mind to pull it off. Remember that pachuco thing I'd
written? He loved that and wanted to use it again in the film. We're working on this scene, and
he said, "Put in some of the pachuco stuff." So I did. I rearranged some of the dialogue and showed it to him, and he said, "Yeah! That's great." And we did it in one take. We rehearsed it a
couple of times, and what you see is the first take. It was amazing!" I loved it."
Wrapped in Plastic #57
The Park hotel sign is also
seen at the end of "Inventing The Abbotts" (1997).