A highly informative resource for locating antique and fine contemporary art, art materials, and related services. Each entry provides address, telephone and fax numbers, hours, price range, whether English is spoken, and a brief description of the business's specialty. Symbolic of transition Rita knows that the reason she is a target has something to do with her Camilla image, and therefore she is looking to change her image before it is too late. That is why we see the French blue book on redecorating, because after all, it offers a discussion on how to transform an image. The book is also a blue object, so it indicates some type of transition from one state to another. However, Rita/Camilla is Spanish, while Betty/Diane is from Canada where the French language and culture is more accessible. It's interesting, that Rita Hayworth, the star Rita borrowed her name from, was not Rita Hayworth's real name and in fact she was Hispanic and to have her Hispanic background erased she was sent for electrolysis to raise her hairline. So the French book seems to suggest that Betty/Diane would have Rita/Camilla change her ethnic and cultural identity as well as other more external attributes, like the hair that Rita initially was going to cut shorter. - (Alan Shaw) It is fairly obvious that the book Tout Paris (All Paris) with its Contempt blue cover is a visual clue for us to find. Further, Lynch borrows from Godard's movie Breathless as well. Breathless is also takes place all in Paris. Are the scissors there as a hint that he is more than "borrowing something from the book" (so to speak)? - (ctyankee)
A connection?
A pun? Tout Paris = two pairs? Betty/Rita vs. Diane/Camilla